May/June 2021 – “The Bitterness Battle” with Leah Tatina and guest Portia Collins
Sweet mama, do you put a smile on your face for the world, but inside you struggle with anger, bitterness, or resentment? Do you find yourself blaming others, getting easily ticked off, and yelling? At your kids? At your husband? Or maybe it’s all boiling deep down where no one sees and will erupt any day under just the right conditions? You’re NOT alone and you don’t have to keep it in the dark. That’s where the enemy wants it: stuffed down, stifled, and not dealt with, like a garbage can full of trash we keep pushing down because we just don’t want to take out. Fight the bitterness battle and WIN with wise words from Portia Collins from Revive Our Hearts.

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Portia Collins works with Revive Our Hearts ministry as well as having her own ministry called She Shall Be Called. Portia is about “sharing the truth of God’s Word with women everywhere” and is calling women to true, biblical womanhood through her website as well. She is married with one daughter and lives in Mississippi.
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