Welcome to the Made Matchless Podcast
If you’re a mom hoping to not only help your daughter embrace her God-given purposes, but to also help you both navigate a challenging and confusing world, you’re in the right place!
The Made Matchless Podcast will help you, as a mom or leader of girls, bring glory to our matchless God! You’ll hear from women and girls who have lives and experiences very different from your own. You’ll hear about struggles, pain, sin, hardship, but also repentance, grace, forgiveness, love, growth, and hope.
You’ll learn about different issues that moms and girls face and how different moms and experts have approached these difficult challenges from a biblical perspective.
You’ll learn how to help your girl move forward with confidence in her Creator, trusting that he made her matchless for a supernatural purpose. And maybe you’ll pick up some tips for yourself along the way, too!
So stay tuned for podcast episodes to come! (NOTE: To access all of the podcast archives and to get access to bonus podcast materials and discount codes, subscribe to our podcast by clicking here.) If you’re already subscribed, login here using the password from your latest email.
July/August 2021 – “Emotionally Preparing Your Daughter for the New School Year After a Crazy Year”
Moms, we must look at the big picture when it comes to our daughters starting a new school year after the roller coaster year we just had! It’s not as simple as buying her school supplies and a first-day-of-school outfit. Your daughter’s heart is not in the same place it was pre-2020 and chances are, if she was on Zoom all last year, neither are her friendships or academics.
Sit down with me and my friends Noelle and Cathy from Get Up and Teach as we talk about how to emotionally prepare your daughter for a new school year after the craziness of 2020. You’ll gain so many nuggets of wisdom, no matter what age your daughter is! Pick up some free printables for you and your girl while you’re at it. Click here to listen.
May/June 2021 – “The Bitterness Battle” with Leah Tatina and guest Portia Collins
Sweet mama, do you put a smile on your face for the world, but inside you struggle with anger, bitterness, or resentment? Do you find yourself blaming others, getting easily ticked off, and yelling? At your kids? At your husband? Or maybe it’s all boiling deep down where no one sees and will erupt any day under just the right conditions? You’re NOT alone and you don’t have to keep it in the dark. That’s where the enemy wants it: stuffed down, stifled, and not dealt with, like a garbage can full of trash we keep pushing down because we just don’t want to take out. Fight the bitterness battle and WIN with wise words from Portia Collins from Revive Our Hearts. Click here to listen.
Stay tuned by subscribing to my podcast at madematchless.com/podcast .
Portia Collins works with Revive Our Hearts ministry as well as having her own ministry called She Shall Be Called. Portia is about “sharing the truth of God’s Word with women everywhere” and is calling women to true, biblical womanhood through her website as well. She is married with one daughter and lives in Mississippi.
April 2021 – Podcast recording with Coach Jody from “The Great Flip” – “Stand on God’s Power, not Girl Power”
I was so honored to be asked to share about “girl power vs. God-power” on my friend Jody Token’s podcast from “The Great Flip”, a self defense and life skills program for girls. Take a listen here and be sure to check out this amazing, Christ-centered program that teaches girls about defending themselves and embracing true empowerment. Click the image above or click here to listen.
To download a free copy of the Made Matchless pledge mentioned in this podcast, click here.
Summer 2020 Podcast SPECIAL EDITION
“Technology and Your Daughter: What a Mom Needs to Know”. How could the use of tablets, smartphones, and social media affect your daughter? Listen to this incredibly important conversation with professional counselor Stephanie Olford about how technology can impact your daughter socially, emotionally, and spiritually and what you can do about it…beginning today! Find out what red flags to look for, how to keep the conversation going, and hear Stephanie answer some of YOUR questions. CLICK HERE TO LISTEN.
May 2020 Podcast
“Emily’s Story: Navigating Miscarriage with Gospel Hope”. Emily and Mike’s life together was going along as planned. They had attended a Christian university, married one another, followed God’s lead into ministry, and now had a daughter with hopes of God expanding their family however he saw fit. But Emily’s life, family, and even her idea of the Christian life were shaken to the core when she lost their second baby through miscarriage. And in spite of her best efforts, Emily came face-to-face with overwhelming grief, guilt, and shame. But as you’ll hear in her difficult story, the Gospel met her in her pain and has opened her eyes to deep truths found only through suffering. Whether you’re looking for meaning in your own miscarriage or want to minister to others in their pain, you’ll want to listen to Emily’s story of hope, grace, and transformation. THIS PODCAST IS ARCHIVED, BUT IS AVAILABLE TO ALL PODCAST SUBSCRIBERS! TO LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST (AS WELL AS EVERY PODCAST FROM THE PAST) SUBSCRIBE HERE.
April 2020 Podcast
“Heather’s Story: Seeing God in Parental Loss”. In spite of her popularity at school and confident demeanor, Heather grew up in a tough home, struggling with insecurities her whole life. But as she shares in her story, God proved again and again to her that he is a redeeming God, even up until her father’s death. Listen to Heather’s matchless story about pain, emptiness, prayer, hope, love and the God who helped her see her dying father through the eyes of grace. THIS PODCAST IS ARCHIVED, BUT IS AVAILABLE TO ALL PODCAST SUBSCRIBERS! TO LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST (AS WELL AS EVERY PODCAST FROM THE PAST) SUBSCRIBE HERE.
Summer Podcast
“Space for Grace: 5 Simple Ways to Create Space in Life for Your Family to Thrive”. We all would agree: we want our families to thrive in this life God has given us. But all too often, we find our schedules packed with little to no “space” to allow for creativity, imagination, discovery of who God made us to be, and the contemplation necessary to truly thrive as God intended. If you’re wondering how you can create the “space” needed to thrive in a busy culture, take a listen! (ARCHIVED. LISTEN TO ALL ARCHIVED PODCASTS BY SUBSCRIBING HERE)
April 2019 Podcast
“Letting Go of Your Imaginary Daughter to Embrace the One You Have”. Are you trying to raise an imaginary daughter in YOUR image? Or are you raising the daughter God has given you in HIS image? In this month’s podcast, learn about managing expectations of your daughter, evaluating your motives in parenting her, and listen for 8 tips on how to let go of the daughter you wish she was to embrace the daughter God created her to be. (ARCHIVED. LISTEN TO ALL ARCHIVED PODCASTS BY SUBSCRIBING HERE)
February 2019 Podcast
“Be Mine Beyond a Doubt: 4 Ways God Proves His Love When You Don’t Feel It”. Do you ever struggle to FEEL God’s love for you? Why are women quick to swoon over Hallmark’s version of love and yet doubt the only love that has proven itself again and again? In this month’s special podcast, explore how God calls women to step out of “feeling” his love in favor of trusting in his steadfast love. Discover four ways that God proves his love for you. And find out how your own accurate beliefs about God’s love can drastically impact the people in your life. (ARCHIVED. LISTEN TO ALL ARCHIVED PODCASTS BY SUBSCRIBING HERE).
January 2019 Podcast
“7 Steps to Decluttering Your Heart in the New Year”. Everyone wants a clutter-free home where they can live and breathe and function. So we establish new patterns of keeping our home clean, of thinking differently about how we live, and evaluating what really matters. And if we’re not careful, the clutter in our homes can pile up again! But did you know you can also have clutter of the heart? Heart-clutter can keep you from thriving, maintaining healthy relationships, and living the gospel effectively. In this month’s podcast, listen for 7 common heart-clutters as well as 7 steps you can take to make your heart clutter-free. (ARCHIVED. LISTEN TO ALL ARCHIVED PODCASTS BY SUBSCRIBING HERE)
November 2018 Podcast
“The Game God Wants You to Quit for Good: The Comparison Game, Part 2” In this month’s podcast, join me and my guest Eva Marie Ojo as she brings wisdom and insight to the “Comparison Game” too many of us women play, how it impacts our lives and those we care about, and where we can find freedom from this dangerous game. This is part 2 of 2 in “The Game God Wants You to Quit for Good”. (ARCHIVED. LISTEN TO ALL ARCHIVED PODCASTS BY SUBSCRIBING HERE)
October 2018 Podcast
“The Game God Wants You to Quit for Good: The Comparison Game” Women are really good at playing the comparison game, whether looking up to others as our standard or down to others from our platform of superiority. Many of us do a little of both! But what’s truly at the heart of the comparison game? Are we doomed to living a life in constant watch of others, wishing for what we don’t have or waiting for others to meet our high expectations? Or is the comparison game one that we can quit for good? Listen to this latest podcast (part 1) on how women compare, what is truly the heart of the matter, and what the ultimate solution is.
November 2017 podcast:
“Removing the Chaos from Christmas to Worship the Prince of Peace” Would you like to eliminate the chaos from the Christmas season? Would you love a more intentional, family- and Christ-centered Christmas this year? If so, you’ll want to listen to our podcast this month for some practical ways to simplify your home during an otherwise crazy season and capture meaningful moments with your family. THIS PODCAST IS ARCHIVED BUT IS STILL AVAILABLE TO PODCAST SUBSCRIBERS!
Blog post: “Removing the Chaos from Christmas to Worship the Prince of Peace”
October 2017 podcast:
“Moms Who Have It All (and Those of Us Who Wish We Did)” Women can find themselves on a hamster wheel of doing, striving, and reaching for perfection. We see women who “have it all” and want it for ourselves…the image, the life, the family, the career. But when does seeking excellence turn into an exhausting striving for the unattainable? Listen to Leah Tatina (creator of Made Matchless) and Pam Marmon (creator of Threefold Tribe) discuss this struggle for believers and nonbelievers alike. Find out the ultimate solution to “having it all” and how you can make some simple, effective changes today! THIS PODCAST IS ARCHIVED BUT IS STILL AVAILABLE TO PODCAST SUBSCRIBERS!
CLICK HERE TO SUBSCRIBE TO EXCLUSIVE PODCAST BONUS MATERIALS (and Pam Marmon’s PDF download, “How to have the right all”).
September podcast: (archived. Subscribe to the podcast for access)
“Where can I get the energy to be ‘Mom’ when my energy’s gone?” Do you struggle with a loaded schedule, a tired body, and an exhausted mind? Do you long to meaningfully connect with your daughter and family after a long day, but find yourselves in front of the TV or a device instead? Do you find yourself saying these words more often than you’d like: “I’m just DONE!” There’s hope. This month’s podcast brings some practical and spiritual steps you can take to find energy and power when you think there’s nothing left to give. Guest: Erica Humbracht