“I’m not bitter. YOU’RE bitter!” Moms, battling bitterness is not easy, especially when you’re feeling unappreciated, under-valued, and dismissed. Top that with the daily grind, mounting expectations, and the tragedies heaped up in the fallen world. It’s the perfect environment for nurturing a bitter, resentful, and merciless heart. I’ve been there. Chances are that you […]


As a mom on social media, I’m seeing so many fantastic ideas on how to help your kids stay engaged, healthy, and happy through this challenging season in our nation.   Free subscriptions, free activities, free learning websites, all sorts of great stuff. In fact, I even shared some suggestions as a homeschool mom on […]


You need a prayer bullet journal!  Because when it comes to your prayer life, can you relate to any of these? You struggle to find time to pray When you find time, you struggle to stay focused By the time you get focused, your time is gone When you pray, your mind is filled with […]
