With the new year here, a lot of us are inspired to begin something new, to set goals, and to make changes. One way that you and your daughter can do that is by setting God-glorifying goals together!

Setting God-Glorifying Goals

As believers, goals should never be about our glory and fame, but the glory and fame of God. So as you’re setting your goal, and even leading up to it, a daughter and mom must both ask yourselves: why am I setting this goal? Really, is the GOAL of my goal to glorify God? If the answer is YES, then it’s time to set it!

A popular format for setting goals is to use the acroynm S.M.A.R.T. SMART goals originated from the November 1981 issue of Management Review by George Doran and the concept has been used again and again.

S.M.A.R.T. goals are…

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Achievable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound

So as you and your daughter set goals together, you too will need to ask yourself these questions:

#1 Is my goal specific? In other words, is my goal something I can take specific action on? (Example: I want to read…)

#2 Is my goal measurable? In other words, is my goal something that allows me to see I’m making progress, such as with numbers or measurement? (Example: …25 books)

#3 Is my goal achievable? In other words, is my goal possible for me to do, given my life circumstances and commitments?

#4 Is my goal relevant? In other words is my goal something that will be meaningful and important to me? (Example: …so I can expand my learning of other’s experiences…)

#5 Is my goal time-bound? In other words, is my goal set to be achieved by a certain day? (Example:...by the end of 2019.)

Motive: God-glorifying or self-glorifying?

Maybe your daughter wants to improve on a math skill. First, ask her to think how improving her math skill could bring glory to God. That may sound like a stretch, but when we consider all the motives she may have for improving this skill, it’s not a stretch at all! Her motive may be so she can be the best in the class. Her motive may be so she can beat her friend on timed drills. Do you see how that can open up a great conversation between you two about this verse:

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men…” Colossians 3:23

So as you and your daughter sit down to write these, take a bit of time to discuss this important aspect of setting goals that’s always missing from the world’s goals. As a mom, you’re not only setting your daughter up for approaching life, but reminding yourself as well!

(Psst! By the way, I have two fantastic resources that have to do with setting goals supplementing this article! The first is the Made Matchless Planner & Prayer Journal for Girls and the second is the Made Matchless Planner & Prayer Journal for Women, “Glorifying God”.)

Some tips as you set your goals

As a mom, business-owner, wife, and homeschool teacher, I think about goals often and I’ve battled what it looks like to set goals that also leave room for God to do as he wishes. So here are a few additional tips from this busy mom:

  • Write down your goals using this free printable for setting S.M.A.R.T goals! It has a sheet for you, for your daughter, and a place for writing down how you can glorify God in your goals.
  • Don’t forget that NOT meeting a goal is not necessarily an indication of failure. And meeting a goal is not necessarily an indication of success. The ultimate goal is God’s glory and that will look drastically different from person to person, from mom to daughter.
  • Pray regularly over your own goals. Re-evaluate them. Keep considering what God has allowed into your life for this season and whether he may be up to something different.
  • Pray with your daughter over her goals, once a week. As she works, remind her that God’s cares about her and her goals, but that ultimately, his goals matter most.
  • Ask yourselves how you think you’ll feel when you’ve reached your goal. Picturing that can be very motivating!
  • Don’t forget to acknowledge the progress. It’s not all about the finish line but also the little milestones along the way.
  • If it’s appropriate to do so, consider rewarding yourselves when you’ve reached your goals. Do something special together as a celebration.

Did I miss any other tips? I’d love to hear tips from YOU on goal-setting with your daughter! Be sure to comment below! Also, please enjoy this free printable download of “Setting God-Glorifying Goals with Your Daughter”! Share it with the moms of daughters in your life.

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