As my children and I went through the story of Christmas, we noticed that each character in this life-changing story responded to Jesus’ coming in distinct, beautiful, appropriate ways.   They respond in ways that show us, over 2,000 years later, how to honor Jesus in our lives today.

Let’s take a look…

Mary responded to Jesus’ coming.  How?  By submitting herself to whatever God wanted her to do and offering herself as his servant.  Do you submit yourself to God’s work in your life and offer all of who you are as his servant?

Joseph responded to the news of Jesus’ coming.  How?  By believing God’s words from the angel, even though he couldn’t see how things would turn out, then stepping forward in faith no matter what others would think.  Do you believe God’s Word to be true, no matter how things appear?  Do you step out in faith when you’re not certain the outcome?

The angels responded to the news of Jesus’ coming.  How?  By boldly heralding Jesus’ coming to the lowly shepherds, bringing hope and light to the darkness of their world.  Do you boldly tell those in lowly places about the hope found in Christ?

The shepherds responded to the news of Jesus’ coming.  How?  By opening their hearts to the Son of God and immediately telling others.  Have you truly opened your heart and are you sharing the good news of Jesus with others?

The wise men responded to the news of Jesus’ coming.  How?  By humbling themselves, worshiping Jesus, and offering gifts.  Have you worshiped God from a truly humble state?  Have you offered him that which is most precious to you…your whole life?

What’s your response to Jesus’ birth?

Oh friends, it’s easy enough for us to identify with one or two of the characters. Maybe you identify most with feeling lowly and finding hope in Christ.  Maybe you have no trouble believing God’s Word.  But the appropriate response to the King of Kings is a beautiful, supernatural combination of each character we see in this unexpected story.

God is looking for a different response.  He doesn’t just want our faith, but he also wants us to tell others the good news!  He doesn’t want worship alone, but our submission and trust.  In summary, you might say that God simply  wants it all, because Jesus gave it all for us.  That’s the only truly appropriate response as we read about Jesus, the Creator of the Universe, choosing to become human as he saves us from our sin and the darkness of this world.

Will we ever be able to honor him enough for who he is and what he did for us?  No, never.  But because of God’s mercy and grace, he receives the best we give him from our hearts.  How will you respond to Jesus’ birth today and in the year to come?

Prayer:  God, I know that my worship, sacrifice, faith, and trust could never give you the full honor that you’re due.  But I long for you to open my eyes this year for how I can grow in giving you my trust, faith, worship…my entire life.  Show me.  You’ve given your all to me.  Help me give my all to you.  Thank you for sending your Son Jesus to be my savior, my redeemer, my friend.  In His name, Amen.


From my family to yours I wish you a very Merry Christmas, celebrating the birth of our amazing King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

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