My amazing kids. It’s an honor to be their mom.
As a mom & blogger, I’ve noticed how popular it has become to read and write articles bemoaning the needs of our children and families. It’s become trendy to say what a mom -really- wants for Mother’s Day under the guise of humor and “just saying what every mom is thinking”, even using profanity to describe motherhood. I had a hard time articulating why these articles and videos bothered me so much until the sermon I heard this morning at church and realized this: Yes, the job as a mom is hard, there’s no denying it. It’s tiring. It stretches you. It pulls you. It pushes you to your emotional and physical limits. But my dream this Mothers Day is not a clean house or “just one day where my kids don’t need me.” It’s not an uninterrupted pampering session with a glass of wine and being left alone in a quiet house. Honestly, it’s not even that I get thanked, exalted, and given honor. My dream this Mother’s Day is that my kids will look at the minutes, hours, days, years that I’ve invested in them, that they would see I was imperfect and could only be a mom by the power of the Holy Spirit and the redemption of Christ, and that, seeing it all, the full picture someday, that they would not exalt me, as if I did it on my own. My true dream is that they would see it and exalt Christ, honor Him, and glorify Him with their lives, knowing it was because of HIM that I could do it and because of His mighty work in me. I exhort us, moms, that Christ be exalted this day as our families honor us! Let’s let go of what our families “owe” us and remember we owe it all to the one who blessed us with motherhood!
Leah, I completely get where you are coming from. All of those blogs (and even women just talking in general) that show moms complaining just really get to me too. Yes, motherhood is very hard. Some days are very exhausting. But…there are a million zillion moments through the day where I find myself just staring at my girls because I am just in awe of them. After 5 years of wishing for babies, and getting to have 2 beautiful little girls, is a dream come true for me. At over a year old, i still can’t believe they are really here and really mine. So while there are days where you are so completely tired and exhausted, I just can never understand the need to complain. I’m grateful everyday for these precious babies, and THANK God everyday for them. And every moment, hard or beautiful, is amazing to me.
Love your perspective on this, Monica. Let’s seek to live out our motherhood with gratitude. Hugs.