It’s tough raising girls in this challenging and confusing culture. And honestly, it’s tough being a woman and mom in this culture, too! Even in the body of Christ, it can be hard to embrace who God made us to be and to understand how we can thrive when we’re bombarded with the world’s messages.

On January 12, 2019, the Made Matchless Experience came to Immanuel Lutheran Church in Batavia, Illinois. It was a fun, spirit-filled day for moms and daughters to learn about who they are in Jesus Christ together! It was a time to fight what the world says with a different set of messages.

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This was the second Made Matchless Experience to come to a church. The first one was at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Seymour, Indiana. And with the number of moms looking for technology-free, intentional, meaningful opportunities to connect with their daughters, more churches are reaching out to participate!

The Made Matchless Experience is an event geared towards moms and their daughters grades 2-5. The day is a combination of short teaching sessions with hands-on activities, a mother-daughter craft, short games, and discussion. The moms and girls learn 9 “I am” Statements that every girl and woman needs to know, in hopes of creating more confident girls and women. They even get journaling sheets to take home and use.

You may ask, “But how is teaching a girl or woman to become confident any different than what the world is trying to do?” Great question! I actually get that question a lot.

Moms and daughters learning 9 “I am” statements, based on God’s Word, and presented in a fun, engaging way.

The Made Matchless Experience isn’t about “girl power” or becoming a “super mom”. The difference in the approach is that all statements we discuss point back to Jesus Christ and what the Bible says. The moms and daughters learn that embracing who God made you to be is not for our own purposes and glory, but for his. They learn that we are all made uniquely (made matchless) so that we can make a supernatural impact in our culture for Jesus Christ.

That’s NOT a message you’ll hear from the world.

Check out some of the comments received from attendees of the Made Matchless experience:

“Spiritually engaging!  I could not wait to get home and tell my other daughters!” ~Megan K.

“This is a fun experience that will equip you to further teach your daughter” ~Lindsey M.

“Go!  Without hesitation!”  ~Karen H.

“It was a great time spent with my daughter and gave a great opportunity for a deeper focus with her. It was fun.” ~Lauren S.

“The experience is a must for all girls/moms to hear and learn about how much the Lord loves us and who we are in him.” ~Amber C.

“It was time well-spent learning about how God views me and my daughters. You won’t regret spending time in God’s Word with your daughter.” ~Liz O.

“It was such a blessing to grow and learn together today. I feel like we both learned more about one another and grew in God’s grace.” ~Susan M.

Do you want to have that sense, too?…that you can DO something to help your daughter and equip yourself to face this world?

Let’s be intentional.

Let’s raise girls who are ready to face our challenging culture with who God made them to be. Let’s BE women who are confident in Christ. Let’s be made matchless together.

If you’d like to receive more information about the Made Matchless Experience and how we could share the truth of who God made us to be with the moms and girls in your church & community, click here to email me (Leah Tatina) directly. Or go right to the events page by clicking here.

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