I wish I could say I’ve been taking refuge in God’s power in these strange days. But the truth is, I’ve been unofficially considering other promises of safety and security. You could say I’ve been shopping around.
And to my dismay, as I take a long, honest look at my spiritual condition lately, it’s resembled an unbeliever’s far more than a follower of Christ’s.
Nahum 1:7 states that “The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble. He knows those who take refuge in him.” What a comforting promise!
But here, today, as I look back on these days of uncertainty behind me, I’ve instead sought refuge in…
- work
- finances
- distractions
- our home
- others’ opinions
- government
- health
- family
- honestly, any other poor substitute that shakes at the slightest indication of trouble. Go ahead and fill in the blank.
Proverbs 18:10 says, “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous man runs into it and is safe.” These verses are so timely today as we continue in a season where so many search for a sense of safety. God alone provides that steadfast and eternal assurance. He alone continues to be our unshakable tower and refuge.
So why, friends, do we scramble for security and search out safety in literally EVERYTHING ELSE?
Answer? Because our hearts are sinfully set on this world and all its offerings. And it’s quite hard to ignore the options we see.
Now, it’s not to say you or I should stay ignorant to what is happening to the world around us. But setting our hearts’ security on these things has been an increasing problem. I know I’ve been looking for solutions I can actually SEE in real time to put my heart at peace.
We see things shaking. We want to see what can stop it. We feel foundations crumbling. We want to see what puts it back together. We just want to SEE.
We don’t want to trust in a name.
We want to trust in things like bank accounts, homes, positions, politicians, experts, food, vaccines, our bodies, vitamins, medicines, policies, pastors, celebrities, YouTube personalities, connections, ANYTHING but a sovereign God who created us, loves us, and asks us to run to him at the first sign of trouble.
Jesus said in John 16:32, “Behold, the hour is coming, indeed it has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home, and will leave me alone. Yet I am not alone, for the Father is with me.”
Jesus was facing a very troublesome future from a human perspective. He knew what awaited him in Jerusalem: mocking, torture, abandonment, betrayal, death. Jesus knew he would be utterly alone and experience physical, emotional, and mental trauma beyond what any of us could imagine.
But what did he say? “Yet, I am not alone, for the Father is with me.”
This truth would not just be a comfort to Jesus himself as he headed toward his earthly doom. But that truth would comfort his disciples, and continue to comfort all of his followers through centuries of persecution, heartache, holocausts, trials, and yes, even pandemics.
We are not alone.
The Jews at the time were searching for security in their trouble with Roman rulers. But even as the Safety and Security and Strong Tower stood right before them in the flesh, they did not believe. They thought they were alone.
They simply could not believe that safety could be found in a man, claiming to be God, associating with “sinners”, and now hanging on a cross.
And the truth is, many times, neither can we.
Simply put, just like with the Jews in Jesus’ time, in our minds, Jesus simply isn’t powerful enough for our problems today.
In John 16:33, Jesus continues by saying, “I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

And although when times are lovely and dependable, we can smile, seemingly satisfied with Jesus words, when foundations shake, our minds abandon this truth in an instant.
I have forgotten Jesus’ power.
I’ve nodded as pastors teach his power over wind and waves and sea. Yet I hang my head in hopelessness as viruses wash in waves over nations.
I’ve taught that Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father on high for eternity. But I fret over government authorities in my tiny state of Illinois in 2020.
I’ve raised hands in worship as we sing that there is power in the name of Jesus. Yet I worry over seemingly-powerful humans grabbing for more under the guise of human welfare.
Here I am. Here we all are. Sinners in a broken world, wondering where our powerful Savior is. Longing to see things set right and to see the foundations settled again.
And that’s exactly our problem. We think the foundation is shaking.
But, friend, you and I must, MUST understand that, in spite of all appearances, the TRUE foundation still remains solid, firm. The tower is still infinitely strong. The refuge is still unquestionably safe.
Oh, how I love Jesus’ words, promising that we will have trouble. Do you know why? Because it shows how loving and real and caring he is.
He KNEW you’d be rattled, almost daily, by this fallen world, its fallen people, their fallen promises, and your fallen spirit. He knew your body would experience pain and your mind, torment. Jesus, your most precious brother and friend, knew pandemics, riots, injustices, governments, wars, and promises would come, rock your world, and go.
And he knew you’d desperately long for security, safety, and peace.
I want to tell you today–whether you’ve been a believer most of your life or whether you’re wondering if this could all really be true–that TODAY you can trust him. Why? Because on a dirty, bloody cross, Jesus–the most powerful man who ever lived–humbled himself and, because of your sin and mine, gave up his life for you.
And then, Jesus–the most powerful man who ever lived–used that power to literally come alive again, conquering the world. And today, that same Jesus, a friend of sinners like you and me, is sitting in power next to God the Father as the unshakable tower and refuge he is and always has been since before time began.
Long, long before pandemic was even a word.
Politicians and pandemics? We won’t see the last of them. False foundations are made to crumble beneath us. In fact, the only thing we can depend on in this world is that when we stand on them, they’ll fall.
But Jesus Christ has power.
Enough power to sustain you, protect you, carry you, and SAVE you, as your false foundations give out underneath.
Stop ignoring the only One whose power is true and let him catch you as you fall. Abandon your hopes in the people and promises of this world.
Repent. Turn from trusting in everything you thought would keep you safe and run to the strong tower.
There, you’ll be safe. There, you’ll realize that the power of a pandemic is NOTHING compared to the power of Jesus, the Savior of the world.
There, your peace will rest secure, not just today, but for all eternity.
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.” John 14:27
So beautifully and powerfully written Leah. Such a truthful-timely word. Thank you for sharing your heart!
Thank you, Allison. Thankful God is gracious enough to open my eyes to where my heart needs to truly rest.
I remember struggling really, really hard with anxiety as 2019 drew to a close and 2020 began, fearing the unknown and what the new year would bring. Because of the prompts in the prayer journal I got for Christmas, I was able to resolve to leave my cares and worries with the Lord, allowing Him to carry my burdens of the unknown. Little did I know that we’d have a pandemic to walk through only a few short months later and the process of surrendering my anxieties became even more critical! Thanks be to God that He is ever faithful to remain constant, an unshakable foundation! Thank you for putting to words what so many are struggling with right now. <3
I’m so blessed to read this testimony. Hugs to you, Emily.
It’s a good reminder of the sovereignty of God! And how I need to refocus. Thank you Leah😍
I’m glad it ministered to you. Much love.
Thanks for your transparency Leah and praise God that, indeed, His foundation is UNSHAKEN.