Devotion 1 of 6 is about helping your daughter flourish through a favorable location.  The word “flourish” means, “to grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as a result of a favorable environment.”    These devotions will focus on 6 factors that can help your daughter flourish like a flower.  To read more about the devotion series “Flourish”, click here.

A Favorable Location

I love planting flowers around our home in Illinois, especially in late spring when we can (finally) go outside jacketless!  The sunglasses & sunscreen go on.  Then I grab the seeds, plants, and gardening tools.  I look overeager with my tank top on in May (you midwest people know what I’m sayin’), but I’m ready for the job.

Now, gardeners understand that you can’t plant your flowers in any old place.  In order to flourish, to “develop in a healthy and vigorous way”, they need a “favorable environment”.

Of course each plant is different, but the same environmental factors need to be considered.  So the question we are asking today is: how can you give your daughter a favorable location to flourish?  She’ll need two things to start.

Favorable Location:  Space to Grow

When planting flowers, they need space to grow to their full potential.  Some plants need space, while others can be planted close together.  It’s all in how God created them.  And, just like the plants in your garden this spring, your daughter needs space to grow.

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”  Ephesians 2:10

Your daughter is God’s careful and creative workmanship.  Is her location a place where she can grow to her full potential exactly as God created her to serve Him best?  Is she extroverted, needing to be closer to others?  Or is she introverted, needing more space?

Spaced Closely

Perhaps your daughter is extroverted, getting energized when she’s close to others.  Do you give her reasonable opportunities to interact with others?  Remember, depending on her school and teacher, she might be restricted in how much meaningful interaction she actually has there.

To help your extrovert flourish, seek opportunities.  My 9-year-old daughter is extroverted and still requests “play dates”.  Drama clubs, debate teams, or just more time with friends might help her flourish as well.

But it’s also important for these daughters to use their people skills, not just to fulfill their own desires, but to serve God (Matthew 5:16).  She can serve in a nursing home, volunteer at church, or organize a neighborhood clean-up.  Find out how she’d like to get involved and plug her in.

Now, if you’re an introverted mom, you may already be confused or nervous because the last thing you need is more interaction with others.  But remember, we’re learning about making your daughter flourish the way God designed her, and this is one way to give her that “favorable location”.

Needing Space

Or perhaps your daughter needs to be “spaced further apart” as an introvert.  Do you give your daughter enough time to recharge after being around lots of people?  Or do you jump right into asking about her school day when she’s ready to shut down?  This is especially important for girls with lots of siblings since they can’t HELP but be “planted” close together (especially in the backseat of the car)!

Reserve an area in your home, just for her, to recharge, read, or be alone.  Look for clues that she’s overwhelmed by people and give her permission to go off for a bit on her own.   She’s much more likely to flourish if you do and she’ll appreciate your gesture.  Better yet, get her input.  Sensing she’s overwhelmed may be hard for you to spot if you’re an extroverted mom, so be intentional.flourish

Likewise, introverts have fewer friendships, but they tend to run deeper.  Help her flourish by encouraging her to serve her friends in a godly ways.  She can bake them cookies, help with homework, or do a Bible study with them.  Maybe she can sponsor a Compassion child and write to her.  This will help her flourish, using her introverted, God-given personality to serve Him and not just herself (1 Peter 4:10).

Favorable Location:  Receives Light

“Rise up and shine, for your light has come. The shining-greatness of the Lord has risen upon you.”  Isaiah 60:1

I love Isaiah’s vivid imagery of light when describing the Lord and his “shining-greatness”.  And just like a flower in the garden, your daughter will flourish with the right light.  There are plenty of examples of artificial light this world offers: success, money, power, a dream job (1 John 2:15-17).  They’re sparkly, shiny, attractive.

But like the summer sun of June on a cluster of marigolds, every girl, in order to “develop in a healthy and vigorous way”, needs the BEST light, the TRUE light: the light of the Gospel.  Being “planted” where the light of Jesus Christ is shared with your daughter is what she desperately needs (John 8:12), especially at home.

Consider your home.  Is it a forgiving, grace-giving, prayerful, encouraging place (Ephesians 4:29-32)?  Is character more valued than achievement?  Are arguments and tough situations met with consistent discipline, but also understanding because moms are sinners, too (Ephesians 6:1-4)?  Is she reminded of God’s truth regularly?

Maybe you’re not sure how to bring more of Christ’s light into your home.  Begin by reading the verses above, then ask God for wisdom “who gives generously to all without reproach” (James 1:5-8).  Put God’s Word up around your house where both you and her can see it. Write her encouraging notes about her value in Christ.   Pray with her daily.  Start with small changes, applying God’s Word with grace and truth in your daily decisions and interactions. God will lead you.

In conclusion

These are just two ways you can create a favorable location for your daughter.  Over the next few weeks, we’ll explore other ways you can help your daughter flourish!  Next, we will focus on favorable planting…her depth, direction, coverage, and season, so please come back!


  1.  Is your daughter an extrovert or introvert?  How can you reach out this week to help her flourish for God’s kingdom, the way God made her?
  2. Read Ephesians 4:29-32 and 6:1-4.  What small, practical steps can you take this week to make your home shine even brighter with the light of Christ?



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