Book Leah for your next girls’ or women’s event!
Too many girls and women, even in the church, fail to realize that they’re designed by God for a purpose. The world sends them conflicting messages: “Be who you are” and, at the same time, “You’re not enough. You need to change”. Is this mind-boggling to anyone else or is it just me?
My name is Leah Tatina and I believe that the world has it backwards. The world’s version of “Be who you are” discourages us from coming to grips with our sin and need for a Savior, while “You’re not enough” discourages us from embracing the beautiful and matchless way God made us.
That’s where the message of Made Matchless comes in.
I am sure you agree that our culture is challenging and confusing. I particularly see the implications of this in girls and women, even within the family of God! Made Matchless creates resources and events that help girls and women THRIVE in this culture so they can embrace who God made them to be and make a supernatural impact in the culture, just as they are. He wants to maximize who we are, from the youngest girl to the oldest woman!
God has made each girl and woman to be MATCHLESS–uniquely put together, unlike anyone else, for his glory. And one of our missions, as women of God, is to pass this message along.
Want to bring that message to the girls and women you care about?
Now you can! I’m currently available for public speaking engagements (as well as the Made Matchless Experience for Moms & Daughters) and I’d love to share this truth to the women or girls in your communities and churches! I reside in the NW suburbs of Chicago, Illinois and can’t wait to share my message.
Why should you hire me?
I’ve been a mom to my daughter for 11+ years and have an education degree. I homeschool my two children and work from home. I’m active in my nondenominational, Bible-believing church through small group Bible study and in children’s ministry. I’ve taught God’s Word to children as well as adults and have a God-given desire to help girls and women know their value in Christ. Providing clear, practical, biblical writing and resources on my website is a top priority for me. My biggest passion is seeking to apply God’s Word to everyday life and have been doing that, fervently, for 10+ years (there’s still so much to learn!). On top of this, God’s given me the opportunity to teach a class for tween girls on what it means to embrace their “matchlessness” in Christ. My calling is to exhort & encourage women and girls in their walk with Christ into deeper discipleship and action. Everything I offer comes from my own struggles and victories as a Christian woman/mom with God and his Word as my guide. Let’s be stronger & matchless together, as the body of Christ, so we can supernaturally impact the world!
Note: No matter the topic, I will always make a simple, clear presentation of the Gospel.
Pick Your Topic & Audience
For groups of moms with daughters:
*The Made Matchless Experience
For groups of girls OR women:
*9 Powerful “You Are” Statements Every Girl Needs to Hear (based on this blog post)
For groups of girls:
*Wearing Jesus’ Goodness (a message for teen girls, based on this blog post)
*When Good Tastes Bad (a message for tween girls, based on this blog post)
*Becoming a Girl of Impact the Way God Made You (a message for tweens to teens inspired by this blog post)
For groups of women/moms:
*Maximized: 13 Daring Prayers for the Christian Woman (based on this devotion series)
*Becoming a Woman of Impact the Way God Made You (based on this blog post)
*8 Essential Identity Truths for Women of God (based on this blog post)
*”Can I See Your I.D.?”: A talk on true identity in womanhood
Suggested groups/events I can speak for
- MOPS groups
- Women’s ministry events
- Girls’ groups, clubs, or organizations
- Christian school events
- Mother/Daughter events
- Women’s community outreach events
Speaking Options
- I can come speak to your group on your chosen topic for approximately 1 hour for the cost of $200 plus travel expenses. To view the details/contract for this short engagement, click on this link: Short Public Speaker Contract for Leah Tatina
- I can come speak to your group on your chosen topic for approximately 3 hours (plus Q&A and table time) for $500 plus travel expenses. Extended Public Speaker Contract for Leah Tatina
- I can lead the Made Matchless Experience (a 6-hour mother-daughter event plus preparation) for $1000 plus travel. To view the details/contract for this engagement, click on this link: Made Matchless Experience General Contract for Leah Tatina
Are there any other options?
If you’d like to connect with me to work out a different arrangement (such as a weekend retreat) or a different topic, please email me at madematchless@gmail.com and I can, hopefully, work to accommodate your needs. (Please note, the cost may be affected).
How do I book Leah to come speak for my group?
Simply contact me (Leah Tatina) personally at madematchless@gmail.com for available dates and arrangements. Remember: YOU ARE MATCHLESS!