As a mom on social media, I’m seeing so many fantastic ideas on how to help your kids stay engaged, healthy, and happy through this challenging season in our nation.   Free subscriptions, free activities, free learning websites, all sorts of great stuff. In fact, I even shared some suggestions as a homeschool mom on my FB page.

But moms…what about us?  

As the world around us scrambles for control in the chaos, us Christians moms are doing our best to encourage others, to help and serve, to stay healthy and positive and hopeful and to not give in to fear and panic.  And it’s easy for us to quote scripture about how we should trust God and abandon fear.

But if we’re honest, sometimes that feels difficult to do ourselves, right?

Today, I want to share with you MOMS a helpful activity YOU can do that will help you through these questionable times.  And how this helps you will only trickle down to your daughters, sons, spouse, family, friends, and neighbors.

Before I tell you the activity, let me present a scenario.

Imagine you’re walking down the street, alone, on a dark evening.  You see a man walking towards you, but you can’t see his face, as it’s hidden in shadow. A bit of fear starts to rise in your stomach.  You begin to get visibly nervous. “Don’t come any closer!” you shout!  

But as the man gets closer, you hear him call out, “Hey there! It’s me!  Don’t be scared.”

Hearing his voice, you recognize him as an old family friend.  And as his face comes into view, you’re immediately comforted. Why? Because he is familiar to you.  And not just that, but you know his character…that he’s trustworthy, dependable and safe. And on a dark night like this one, you know he’d only have your best interest at heart.

Friends, right now, you might be feeling “in the dark” about the future and what could or couldn’t happen. 

You might be afraid of the unknowns and the unseens and the yet-to-comes. If that sounds like you…or maybe even if it doesn’t, here’s what will help:  knowing God and knowing his character.

Just like in our scenario, when relief swept over you once you recognized the friend and remembered his character… Knowing God and remembering the character of God will get you through the craziest, most questionable, darkest times you can imagine.  

And I don’t just mean knowing OF God.  Knowing OF a person is a lot different than KNOWING them.  If you recognized the man, but didn’t know his character, you probably wouldn’t be nearly as comforted on that dark street.

In the same way, knowing ABOUT God, knowing OF him is NOT the same or NEARLY as comforting as knowing HIM, knowing his character.

But if you know him and trust his character, you can be fearless and teach others to be the same!

So moms, here’s the activity I have for you. 

What I want to challenge you to do is, each day if you can, whenever you find the time, open up your Bible to the Psalms. I want you to get to know the CHARACTER of God through his Word.  Because knowing God’s CHARACTER is what will bring hope, peace, and comfort when all else is uncertain.

Maybe you’ve known God for the majority of your life or maybe you’ve just become a Christ-follower recently.  Trust me, either way this is going to be a fantastic season to do this activity. I even have this freebie you can download…it’s a beautiful sheet you can use to record what you discover about God’s character.  

So, for example, I opened up to Psalm 65.  I just grabbed a pen and printed the “God You Are” sheet. Everyday, I’m going to write down some character traits I find in God’s Word about who he says he is.  That way, if and when I start to experience worry, anxiety, or fear of what may happen in this season, I can compare my fluctuating feelings with the unchanging, certain, and trustworthy character of God.

Some things I wrote down about the character of God just from the first five verses? “God you are…

  1. worthy of praise
  2. hearing my prayers
  3. my atonement (payment for my sins, Jesus)
  4. near
  5. my satisfaction
  6. good
  7. holy”

Pretty amazing, right?

This free download gives you plenty of room to write down all that you discover about the character of God in his Word. Each day you can take just 5 minutes to add more to what you’ve written and then I encourage you:

Pray these BACK to God. 

TELL him who you believe he is. It’ll be both an act of worship to him in this season as well as a reassurance to you and your spirit. And that can only help you as you seek to bring hope, peace, and comfort to those you love.

Friends, this doesn’t have to be a season of fear and uncertainty.  It can be a season of discovery of who God truly is. It can be a season of confidence in who God truly is.  It can be a season of worship, speaking back to God who he truly is. Because no matter how quickly things around this world change, his good character is unchanging.  And he is worthy of praise.

Be sure to share this post (or the FB video of this post) with a friend to help bring them comfort, peace, and confidence in our amazing, trustworthy God!

What have you discovered about the character of God that is worth sharing in these troubling times? Comment below!

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