Coffee is the lifeblood of tired moms everywhere. It gives us the jolt we need to get the body moving and mind alert. We wander to the kitchen, hoping we set the timer on the coffee maker so there’s less time between our eyes opening and that magical, hot bean water touching our lips. And as soon as that happens, we say, “Okay. Time to function.”
But before you fix breakfast, before you rub the last of the sleepy-eye crust away, before you say “good morning” to anyone, and before that first precious sip of roasted liquid gold, there’s something better. Here are 8 simple mom-truths BEFORE COFFEE. Which ones do you need to remember?
Truth 1: You are REDEEMED.
“Redeemed” means that you’ve been bought by God for a price, the death of his own perfect Son, Jesus. To embrace the truth that you are redeemed, even before your feet hit the floor, means that you owe God for your sins, and you can’t pay him back, but that Christ already paid for them with his own life. This truth reminds you that whatever ways you imperfectly parent today, get off-schedule, or simply fall short, it’s all been taken care of and you belong to God. Embrace this simple truth that you are -redeemed- before coffee.
Truth 2: You are washed clean.
The last thing moms feel when they wake up is “clean”. Hot morning breath combined with sleepy body smell calls for a good teeth-brushing and hot shower. But sometimes our sin make us feel dirty. Maybe you had trouble sleeping last night, thinking about regrets. But 1 John 1:7 says, “…the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.” So, if you’re living in the light and have confessed your sin, stop thinking you’re dirty. No matter how unclean you feel, you’re washed clean by the blood of Christ! Embrace this simple truth that you are -washed clean- (before coffee).
Truth 3: You are loved.
The world says “lovable” people are successful, beautiful, intelligent, and kind. But as moms, it’s hard to measure our success. Age, work, children’s needs, and other things keep us from feeling beautiful. We’re intelligent, but there’s always someone doing mommyhood “better”. And we don’t always feel patient & kind as kids test our limits. Isn’t it good, as you roll out of bed for a day of motherhood, to remember Romans 8:38-39? “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” God’s love for you isn’t based on how lovable you are. Embrace this truth that you are -loved- (before coffee).

“This Mom” t-shirt is available in two t-shirt styles in the boutique! Click the above photo to check them out.
Truth 4: You are seen.
I’m embarrassed to say that sometimes the first thing I do when I wake up is check social media! Our culture is obsessed with sharing our lives and receiving attention on social media. Could it be because we long to be seen, noticed, appreciated? Meanwhile, back in real life, moms can feel invisible. Psalm 139:1-18 describes God’s watchful eye over you from the moment you’re conceived. He knew you even before that! He sees you as you rise in the morning to face another day. He sees your sometimes tiresome, monotonous routine of motherhood. But his gaze never escapes you! You are not invisible. Embrace this simple truth that you are -seen- (before coffee).
Truth 5: You are justified.
Do you ever struggle with guilt? Guilt over parenting too much/too little, working/not working, doing the dishes/not doing the dishes? Conviction of sin through God’s Word brings us to repentance and refreshment from God (Acts 3:19-20). But empty, fruitless guilt weighs us down and condemns us. As a Christ-follower, you’re justified, which simply means that you’re “declared innocent”! Jesus’ innocent blood has made you innocent before God and declared “not guilty”. So yes, embrace and change what God calls you to, but then drop the enemy’s guilt-trips before you step out of bed. Embrace this simple truth that you are -justified- (before coffee).
Truth 6: You are sanctified.
When something is sanctified, it’s being used properly for its intended function, like a pencil your child uses to draw a picture. But “sanctified” for believers means we are being made holy, or “set apart” for God. We must also be used for our “intended function”. Mom, are you sanctified? If you are a believer in Christ and filled with the Holy Spirit, each day is a day to say “yes” to that question! Each day, he’s working in you and through you, as you are, to not only bring glory and honor to his name, but also for your “intended function” as a mom and follower of Christ. He’s making you more like Christ! Will you embrace that simple truth before coffee?
Truth 7: You are forgiven.
If you have ever been in debt, you know what it’s like to carry that weight. You want to pay it off, but sometimes it feels inescapable and heavy, carrying it from one day into the next. Moms can carry their sins like they carry debt–forever in mind, weighing them down, unable to let it go. But forgiveness is the good news! Moms, in order to face each day, you must embrace that you are forgiven! When Jesus died for YOU, he said “It is finished”, or in the original Greek, “Paid in full.” As a Christian, your sins are not partially paid or accruing interest. Christ paid for them, past, present, and future! As you get out of bed, don’t bring your “debt” with you. Embrace the simple truth that you are -forgiven- (before coffee).
Truth 8: You are free.
Moms who aren’t free are shackled. They’re slaves to work, control, image, success, money, food, and anything else that tells them what to do and believe. Moms live shackled to their masters. But YOU, fellow mom, are a believer in Christ and you are FREE. 1 Corinthians says we will not be mastered by anything. And John 8:36 says “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” Don’t believe the lie that you are a slave to anyone or anything other than Christ! If you have Jesus, you can get out of bed in the morning shackle-free, confident in Christ’s power to handle whatever challenges are ahead. Embrace the simple truth that you are -free- (before coffee).
As a busy mom myself, I sure do love coffee. But I love these truths more and I hope you do, too! To help you embrace them first BEFORE COFFEE, I designed this coffee mug! Check it out in my boutique by clicking on the photo or clicking here. I also have it on two styles of t-shirt! Remember: don’t take even one sip before you embrace these 8 simple mom-truths, then be sure to share them with a friend!
Great words for moms! Thank you for reminding me of these truths. Love the shirt and mug that go along with these truths?
Thanks, Monique!! We all need to remember this truth, me included!
Great reminders!